Cuba Swaps Out Spy-Counselors in Argentina 1

Expelled from the US in November 2002 for espionage, Intelligence Officer Carlos Augusto Suanes Flexas is in Buenos Aires as the Counselor Officer. He can be reached at Cuba’s MINREX lists no direct phone number for this particular “official.” He replaced Intelligence Officer Oscar Redondo Toledo, who had been declared Persona Non Grata by the US in November 2002 in retaliation for the Ana Montes case. He had been a First Secretary at the Cuban Interests Section in Washington at the time.

After his forced departure from his posting as a Second Secretary at the Cuban Mission to the United Nations, Suanes Flexas was assigned as 1st Secretary at Cuba’s (then) eight-man Embassy in Nicaragua. He appears to have arrived in the spring of 2006.

One comment

  1. Flexas got swap to Buenos Aires, I’m thinking could be because Argentina under Kirchner is part of the Chavista-Maduro coalition of the South American left that is always projecting their agenda against the US.Argentina besides suffering inflation like Venezuela is an staunch defender of the Castro regime.If we remember not long ago the Argentinian Government began to increase their pressure to create an international conflict involving the Falklands.We all know the Falklands has being in possession of the British Crown since 1823 and subsequently were invaded by the Argentinians in 1982 under the Regime of General Leopoldo Galtieri but Since then Argentinian Policy has shifted to the left since the Kirchners got elected and their government has become another puppet in Service of the Castro Regime.I’m Thinking Flexas is there to help re-enforce Argentine’s stance towards communism together with Venezuela’s maduro,Ecuador’s Correa and Evo Morales of Bolivia.

    If we look at South American Politics,we would see that during the 1950’s South America was a supporter of the United States of America due to the American influence in the Continent,during the 1980’s that influence began to decrease to a point that after 9/11,Our influence in South America and Latin america and support from those countries is almost non existence with the Exception of Colombia,Paraguay and Panama and Honduras in Central America,the war in the middle east
    was partially the cause of this policy shift and also we must remember that China is aggressive and their communist country
    is trying to enter the arena and to influence South America to their Side. Cuba due to its government being a communists
    dictatorship and friend of China is the head of the Spear Penetrating with its embassies and their Agents the Latin American countries to damage and interfere with the American Interest in the Region.

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