Arturo Lopez Levy Adds San Francisco to Book Flogging Tour Reply

“Solidarity supporter” Walter Lippmann, writing in today’s edition of CubaNews, made the following announcement about doctoral candidate and Castro apologist Lopez-Levy:

Arturo Lopez-Levy, author of Raul Castro and the New Cuba will share his experiences growing-up in Cuba in the last decades of the 20th Century, and his insights about Cuba in the 21st Century.

Tuesday, September 11, 6-7:30pm, JCCSF — Gallanter Hall, 3200 California Street, San Francisco

Born in Santa Clara, Cuba in 1969, to a well-connected Cuban-Jewish family, Arturo Lopez-Levy left a privileged life in Cuba in 2001 to pursue studies in International Affairs and Political Science.  He is a citizen of both the U.S. and Cuba, currently residing in Denver, Colorado, where he is a Josef Korbel Fellow and Lecturer in International Studies at the University of Denver.  He is a sought after speaker on U.S.-Cuba relations, frequently quoted and published in the Chicago Tribune, NY Times, Washington Post, Miami Herald, and the Baltimore Sun, and blogs.  He has a Masters degree from Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, and a PhD from the University of Denver. Lopez-Levy was an Inter-American Fellow at the Carter Center in Atlanta, and a Fellow at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.  In 2009 he lived in Taipei studying Political Liberalism.  In 2010 Lopez-Levy was one of the three Cubans (and the only non-catholic) living overseas invited to participate in the dialogue with the Catholic Church at the time of the Church’s mediation about the release of prisoners and the dialogue with the Cuban government about the current economic reforms process.  He is also an authority on Cuba and Zionism: Relationships between Cuba and Israel and wrote an article about this issue during a Vinnik visiting Fellowship at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.  The article was published by the journal of the Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy.  Lopez-Levy is active with “Cuban Americans for Engagement,” and can speak from the perspective of a new generation of Cuban-Americans.

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