CODEPINK’s Itinerary For This Week’s Visit to Cuba – Meet With Spies, More Spies & Even More Spies! 4

CODEPINK at their Havana press conference.

CODEPINK at their Havana press conference.

By Chris Simmons

The left-wing group, CODEPINK, is currently in Cuba as it heads a “a historic delegation” that – from February 8-15, “will have high-level meetings with government officials, visit members of the Cuban 5 who were recently released from US prison, talk to doctors who combated Ebola in Africa, and interact with local people about cultural, economic, environmental and health issues.”

However, a closer review of their agenda finds scheduled meetings with intelligence officers and co-opted agencies, including:

Monday, February 9 @9am:  Meeting with Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), followed by a possible meeting with Fernando Gonzalez and the rest of the Cuban 5.

Friday, February 13 @9:00am: Meeting with Josefina Vidal, an expelled Directorate of Intelligence officer currently serving “undercover” at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

For more details on the intelligence activities of the highlighted groups and individuals, simply use the search tab. For CodePink’s full schedule, click here.


  1. in the “Old Tomes” at DGI we called them “Useful relations”. They accepted to be used and help the Interests of Cuban Intelligence but was not convenient to recruit them or they refuse to be called Agents. Dr Acosta Ex-Psychologist Operative Officer at DGI

  2. Communist rabble rouser Susie “Medea” Benjamin was born in 1952 and was raised as a self-described “nice Jewish girl from Long Island,” New York. She has been active in pro-Castro activities since the 1970s after she married the coach of Cuba’s national basketball team.
    In New York City she was active with the Center for Cuba Studies, a DGI/ICAP front headed by Sandra Levison.
    During Nov. 1-4, 1989, Benjamin participated in the international conference “Thirty Years of the Cuban Revolution: An Assessment,” in Halifax, Canada, that included the participation of twenty Cuban officials.
    During the Bush Administration, Benjamin and her Code Pink misfits were busy antiwar protesters. However, after Obama got elected, they stopped their antiwar activism.

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