Cuba Intensifying Campaign To Free Jailed Spy Ana Belen Montes 7

Convicted spy Ana Belén Montes -- formerly the Defense Intelligence Agency's lead analyst on Cuban affairs.

Convicted spy Ana Belén Montes — formerly the Defense Intelligence Agency’s lead analyst on Cuban affairs.

14 years of complete isolation in a US prison. Why did Ana Belén Montes cooperate with Cuba?

Solidarity with Cuba and Cuban solidarity with the peoples of the world is one of the core values ​​against which the enemies of the Cuban Revolution are shattered. It is one of our main strengths.

By Néstor García Iturbe

Many people living in countries with vast wealth and high technological advancement, would want their government to lead their nation’s foreign policy differently, not as an instrument of the wealthy to increase their own profits, but to use all those resources for the benefit and improvement of the living conditions of those who have less money, both in their own country and in the world.

They want their country, rather than being feared, to be loved. That war is not the main feature of its foreign policy, it is the peaceful resolution of differences. That the billions intended to cause death, are instead intended to avoid it and improve living conditions. That instead of organizing actions to wipe out the industry and agriculture of other nations, they were dedicated to promote industry and increase agricultural production as a way of fighting hunger suffered by many countries.

They want to feel proud to be citizens of that country, instead of feeling embarrassed. That their flags will be respected, not burned. And instead of listening “go home” they hear “you are home.”

These surely are the reflections of millions of Americans. That fifty percent of the population who do not attend the polls to vote, not to give legitimacy to a system on which they do not have confidence or hope. Among this mass of people, we can include comrade Ana Belén Montes.

Ana Belen’s attitude in the trial to which she was subjected can be described as honest. She expressed her criteria for how the government should conduct US foreign policy.

Ana Belen said: “There is an Italian proverb which is perhaps the best way to describe what I think: ‘The whole world is one country.’ In this ‘country world,’the principle of loving your neighbor as much as you love yourself is an essential rule for harmonious relations among all of our neighboring countries.

“This principle implies tolerance and understanding towards the different ways of doing things of others. It states that we should treat other nations in the way we want to be treated —with respect and consideration. It is a principle which, unfortunately, I think we have never applied to Cuba.”

Feature continues here: “Free Montes” Campaign Intensifying

Editor’s Note: Retired Directorate of Intelligence (DI) Colonel Néstor García Iturbe is one of the regime’s top experts in the targeting of Americans. He culminated his official espionage career as the Director of the Superior Institute of Intelligence (ISI), where Havana’s civilian intelligence officers are trained.

Retired Directorate of Intelligence (DI) Colonel Néstor García Iturbe

Retired Directorate of Intelligence (DI) Colonel Néstor García Iturbe


  1. I believe the Release of Belen is absolutely necessary in order to create a Legal Precedent in the New Cuba AND therefore setting the Standard for a HEALTHY CHANGE in the relationship with USA and with UNASUR. RAUL CASTRO, more than anyone, should be HELPING to this cause given his BRAVE Peace Brokerage between Colombian Government and the FARCS!

  2. I respect the Intelligence Officer as a Profession.Even the Illegal Officers and Agents they do their work for different reason sometimes Ideological ones. Most of then do not really knows what the Agency their are working for do with the information obtained. I do not judge them. But we are talking about Laws. They know they are doing an Illegal Work.It is part of the Job.It is like carrying a gun., even you have your Licence, in a place that it is illegal to do so.If you are “catch” you need to confront the Law you broke. It is part of the “Game”….and everybody knows it. I could congratulate Ana Belen for her good job as a “Agent or Spy”…but… she need to suffer the consequences of her Illegal Activity in the United States..

  3. I respect the Intelligence Officer as a Profession.Even the Illegal Officers and Agents they do their work for different reason sometimes Ideological ones. Most of then do not really knows what the Agency their are working for do with the information obtained. I do not judge them. But we are talking about Laws. They know they are doing an Illegal Work.It is part of the Job.It is like carrying a gun., even you have your Licence, in a place that it is illegal to do so.If you are “catch” you need to confront the Law you broke. It is part of the “Game”….and everybody knows it. I could congratulate Ana Belen for her good job as a “Agent or Spy”…but… she need to suffer the consequences of her Illegal Activity in the United States.. Dr Jose Acosta Ex-DGI Officcer

  4. It’s time for Raul to take another NGO hostage to exchange for the traitor, like he did for “the five”.

    It also appears that Raul is expanding his complement of paid comment trolls, following Putin’s lead. I’m sure Putin pays better, however.

  5. Our government does not need to make any other concession to a dictatorship that have shown their intentions of not creating any political apertures in Cuba. The alcoholic dictator Raul Castro wants concessions without a commitment. The Cuban government had totally forgotten about Ana Montes until Castro began collaborating with Putin about the Syrian dilemma. The Russians are conducting a very aggressive exterior policy,they have even built a base in the Arctic only 300 miles from mainland US.If Castro gets hold of Ana Montes his intelligence services are going to obtain a lot of relevant information about our defenses,bases,etc that may still be relevant to future Cuban and Russian plans to fight us in a future war.Now is not the proper time to negotiate the release of Ana Montes. The Cuban intelligence services know that this woman information can be useful in case of a crisis between the US and Russia.

  6. The US should not be conducting any negotiation with the Castro regime,especially when Castro is reluctant to allow free elections or any other freedom to Cubans.We do not need anything form that regime. There is plenty tourism in Puerto Rico and Hawaii,there is plenty sugar in Hawaii and Rum in Puerto Rico. The ball is on own turf and the clock is ticking on our favor,not their and they know it. Our government should support however the Cuban dissidence inside the Island.

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