Castro Agent Francisco Gonzalez Aruca Dead of Heart Attack 1

Fallece Francisco González Aruca a los 72 años

By Juan O.Tamayo,

Francisco González Aruca, fundador de la agencia de viajes a Cuba Marazul y comentador de la radio en Miami, murió la semana pasada a los 72 años, según dijo su hijo Daniel. Una nota publicada el lunes en la página de Progreso Weekly, una publicación digital lanzada por Aruca, informó que murió de un ataque al corazón el miércoles 6 de marzo en Denver, Colorado, donde había estado viviendo por varios años.

La nota agregó que su hijo Daniel, en un correo electrónico al editor de Progreso Weekly, Alvaro Fernández, recordó unas palabras de su padre: “Si me muero hoy, sé que he vivido una vida muy llena y que viví mucho más tiempo de lo que cualquier pudiera haber esperado”.

Yahoo Groups: Cuba News
From: bguild@…
To: bguild@…
Subject: Marazul founder Francisco Aruca dies
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 08:00:59 -0400

Marazul and Progreso Weekly founder Francisco Aruca dies

Progreso Weekly founder Francisco Gonzalez Aruca died unexpectedly of a heart attack in his sleep on Wednesday, March 6, in Denver, Colorado, where he lived. He was 72 years old. In 1979, Aruca founded Marazul Charter, which specialized in travel to Cuba. In 1986, he moved to Miami to handle his thriving air travel business. Five years later he would go on to found Radio Progreso, his radio program, where he discussed Cuba-related issues from a perspective that had never been heard publicly in Miami. His son, Daniel, in an email to Progreso Weekly editor Alvaro Fernandez, reminded him of words spoken by Aruca when describing his life: “If I die tomorrow, I know I have lived a very full life and that I lasted much longer than anyone ever expected.”

Aruca is survived by his wife, Ann, and his three children – Michele, Debby and Daniel – and three grandchildren. “Aruca was much more than a friend,” said Fernandez. “For years I have said that he helped change Miami’s political landscape for the better. I will miss him

Bob Guild
Vice President
Marazul Charters, Inc.

Editor’s Note: Francisco Gonzalez Aruca was identified as a Cuban Intelligence agent in 1983 by Captain Jesus Raul Perez Mendez, a DGI defector (see attached). FBI Debriefing of Former DGI Officer_Captain Jesus Raul Perez Mendez