“New York Times” Comes Clean – Concedes Recurring “Source” Arturo Lopez-Levy Served As Cuban Spy 2

Former Spy Arturo López-Levy

Former Spy Arturo López-Levy

Kudos to the New York Times News Service for revealing to its readers that long time Cuba “source” and college lecturer Arturo Lopez Levyused to work for the Cuban intelligence services.”  Previously, the Times appears to have used biographic snippets provided by the long-time graduate student. Let us hope that in the near future, the esteemed newspaper will address Lopez-Levy’s close familial ties to Cuban President Raul Castro. After all, readers deserve to be told when a source has such vested interests.






  1. It is good that the new York times call Levy the way he deserves to be call,an spy with strong ties to the castroids.These scum serve Castro and at the end the’ll end up in Florida eating and retiring without ever working in the US and the most important thing is that the Castroids are being fed by the same system they abhor.This is what I call master hypocrites.

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